November 3, 2023
Cheeseburger On A Whole Grain Bun
Spicy Chicken Breast Sandwich On A Whole Grain Bun
Oven Baked French Fries
Baby Whole carrot/ Dip
Mixed Green Salad
Assorted Fresh Fruit
"US Army National Guard will be visiting UTHS at 10:00 a.m. in the Library. Interested students are encouraged to attend. Students need to sign up for the visit in the Counseling Office. Staff Sergeant Nixon will talk about all of the wonderful opportunities in the Army National Guard for graduating seniors.
It is AP testing sign up time. If you are in AP chemistry, Art, Spanish, or Computer Science classes’ you will sign up with your teacher. For all other AP testing, please come to the counseling office and ask for the signup sheet. See Mrs. Whitcher if you have any questions.
The Annual Tri-M Music Bingo Night is back! Join us for the Beach Luau Music Bingo games today Friday, November 3rd. Games start at 6:30pm and admission is $10. There are also larger raffle items, so find a Tri-M member, or see Mrs Minard, to buy your raffle tickets. You can see a list of the loot to be raffled off on the Beach Luau Flyers around school.
"Gamer's Club will meet today Friday from 3 to 5 in 225E."
Do you or someone you know have WAY too much Halloween candy this year? Use it for a good cause! Key Club is participating in Treats for Troops, and will be collecting unwanted candy in room 209 South any time through Wednesday November 8th. We will send the candy overseas where it will be enjoyed by our troops on deployment. Thanks for all your help!
"Attention girls interested in going out for the Girls Bowling team this year: please pick up the information sheet and Personal info sheet from the General office as soon as possible. If you plan on bowling, you will need to turn in the Personal Information sheet to the General Office by November 8th. Come join the fun!"
Are you interested in joining the Boys UTHS Swimming and Diving team?! The boys swim and dive season begins November 20th and swimmers/divers of all abilities are welcome to join. Anyone interested in joining the team can stop by the pool after school any day to speak with Coach Mike. There will be an informational meeting held at the swimming pool for all interested swimmers and divers at 3:15 - 3:45 pm on Thursday, November 16th. Please email Coach Mike Firth at with any questions about the team!