United Township High School is excited to announce a new partnership with Pathways Planning & Insights, a nonprofit that has the mission of helping students and families successfully and affordably pursue college degrees.
PPI will be leading a series of five webinars on different topics to comprehensively cover everything students and parents need to know about paying for college. These webinars will be available for free to UTHS students and their families to watch live and ask questions, and will also be recorded and posted for future viewing. The presentations will also be translated into Spanish, French, Arabic, and Hakha Chin.
The first webinar will be on December 6 from 7:00-8:00 PM, and will be available via Zoom.
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Passcode: 171248
If you need to dial in on your phone to listen, find your local number here: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kd1YgFpqHL
Webinar description:
Affording College: It's Easier Than You Think
The biggest barrier to college isn't cost - it's the perception that college is too expensive. But the truth is that, if you know how the higher education system works, everyone can find numerous college options that won't break their budget. This webinar will show you how to match your price range with the college options that are best for you and set your student up for success as a young adult.
Future webinar topics will include (dates TBD):
Solving the Mystery of the Financial Aid System
The Pros and Cons of Loans and Private Scholarships
Your First Financial Aid Offer Doesn't Have to Be your Final Price
DIY College: Simple Ways to Make College Cost a lot Less