If you missed our 2nd college financial aid webinar, "Solving the Mystery of the Financial Aid System," you can now view the recording!
Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/c6K8R7sp0QQjDZzLLAa3s8aG8tCfGvvy5bhGJUgQzW1o3--fdKfgeXXmrceDOY4a.oEbcErYSmE3GYj77
Passcode: .T*5qd9f (please note that the code begins with a period)
To turn on translated subtitles: When you get to the recording, you'll see the audio transcript to the right of the video. In the upper right corner of the audio transcript window, you'll see a small box with the letters "EN" in it. Clicking on those two letters will open a drop-down where the view can select from 40+ languages. Once you select a language, it will take a few minutes to convert the audio transcript to that language. But once that is completed, the viewer will have a transcription of the audio in their own language.
Links to all past webinar recordings and descriptions/dates for future webinars can be found here.