January 19, 2024


Breaded Chicken On A Whole Gain Bun
Cheeseburger On A   Whole Grain Bun
Fish Sticks Served With A Whole Grain Dinner Roll Baby Whole Carrots
Oven Baked French Fries
Baked Beans


LGBT+ club meeting will take place on Wednesday the 24th in Miss Williams room in 125E right after school. We will be taking a group photo, designing merch, and planning our next club eventS

"Gamer's Club will meet today Friday from 3 to 5 in room 149N."

"Hey Honey Bees! If you haven't yet, fill out the RSVP to Stay a Bee form in the Google Classroom as soon as you can! It's just to let us know if you'd like to stay in the Honey Bees this year or leave the Hive. No hard feelings if you want to leave, we just want to make room for some new queens!"


College Visits: These college visits will take place in the UT Center Conference Room.  Interested students wanting to meet with college/university reps should sign up in the Guidance Office."
1) Winona State University on Tuesday, January 23 at 10:00 a.m.
2) Northern Illinois University on Friday, January 26 at 10:00 a.m.

There is a new scholarship added for seniors planning to attend Black Hawk College. Check out the updated list and look for the Moline Regional Community Foundation scholarship if you plan to attend Black Hawk.