February 6, 2024


Walking Taco
Beef & Cheese Burrito
Taco Fiesta Beans
Mixed Green Salad
Mixed Berry Fruit Cup

"Students, All dance forms need to be turned in by Wednesday, February 14th into student services. Please make sure that you read the entire form and attach the appropriate identification for outside guests. The dance forms are located in the general office and student services"

Interested in a trip to Costa Rica and Panama?  We will have another meeting Thursday, February 8th at 6:30 p.m. in room 259 N.  Please come and get more information!

The first Prom Committee meeting will be Wednesday, February 7 at 7:30am in 126E. If you are unable to attend, see Mrs. Green, Mrs. Gorgal or Ellen for the meeting details.

"Musical audition times have been sent to everyone who filled out the form. Check your emails to see if you audition today or tomorrow! Email Mr. Greer with any questions."


There will be a Student Council meeting this Friday at 7:30 am in the auditorium! Come join us to plan Sadies and the Dance Marathon as well as hear about polar plunge. We hope to see you there!


UTHS is offering free SAT test preparation seminars to all Juniors through Zaps.  The seminars will be held in the commons on Monday, March 11th from 9am-3 pm or Monday and Tuesday March 25th and 26th from 6:30pm to 9:00pm both days.  Sign up in the counseling office through the end of February. 

Wednesday, February 7 from 8-9 PM is the next free webinar in our series about paying for college. Visit for more information and the link to register.

"US Navy - Chief Petty Officer Blansett - will be at UT tomorrow morning from 9:45 to 10:45 a.m.  Students wanting to know more about the Navy and the benefits of serving in the US Navy should plan on attending the presentation.  The presentation will be in the UT Central Conference Room.  Students should sign up in the Guidance Office to attend the presentation."