February 13, 2024
Cheeseburger On A Whole Grain Bun
Spicy Chicken Served On A Whole Grain Bun
Baked Beans
Mixed Green Salad
Oven Baked French Fries
Assorted Fresh Fruit
"Students, All dance forms need to be turned in by Wednesday, February 14th into student services. Please make sure that you read the entire form and attach the appropriate identification for outside guests. The dance forms are located in the general office and student services"
It's that time of the year for the for Plunge to support our Special Olympics program
Looking for Plungers to make our event successful. Clubs, departments, sports teams and organizations are all encouraged to participate.
Sign up is in the special services office. Please see Shari Johnson to sign up.
UTHS is offering free SAT test preparation seminars to all Juniors through Zaps. The seminars will be held in the commons on Monday, March 11th from 9am-3 pm or Monday and Tuesday March 25th and 26th from 6:30pm to 9:00pm both days. Sign up in the counseling office through the end of February.
"Students participating in community service hours please listen up. United Township High School has started a new program this year to recognize students involved in performing community service.
UTHS is awarding students with 100 or more community service hours the Silver cord that will be worn at graduation. If you want to know more about this new program, visit James Davis, UT College & Career Advisor. Mr. Davis' office is located in the Center."
"Students, the University of Iowa's Tippie College of Business will be at UT tomorrow morning from 10 - 10:45 to present to interested business students only. The meeting will take place in the UT Center Conference Room.
Students must be currently taking a business class from either Mr. Miller, Mr. Brooks or Mr. Howe and have already expressed an interest in attending the meeting.
Space is limited, so students are encouraged to get to the Center Conference Room early. If you have questions, students should speak with Mr. Davis, the UT College & Career Advisor, or any of the Business teachers - Mr. Miller, Mr. Brooks or Mr. Howe."
"Students, the University of Wisconsin at Platteville will be at UT tomorrow afternoon from 1:15 to 2:15 in the Center Conference Room. Interested students should sign up in the Guidance Office to visit with the University representative."
All this week, National Honor Society is helping UT show some love with board and card games to rent during lunch periods. Are you the type of person who thinks the best Valentine is a well-timed draw-four card? Then come find our game table and sign out your favorite games! Don't miss out on the fun. All games and their materials will be due back at the end of each lunch period.
IJAG Secret Sucker is Back. Send your friend or classmate a special message with a sucker for $1.00 Also they have a few Black History bracelets left for $1.00
Stop by the table during your lunchtime and support the IJAG Committee
Addie’s Army Fundraiser
Join Addie‘s army at the boys basketball game today, Tuesday night as we raise money to help Addison Griffiths family with medical expenses. Addie is a junior here at UTHS. She was diagnosed with cancer and has undergone her first round of chemotherapy. Addie will continue to undergo medical treatment for at least the next two years. Addison and her family really need their panther family support at this time. Let’s show our panther pride, by showing up and cheering on our Panther basketball team as they take on Moline and support Addie as she takes on cancer. If you have an Addie’s Army shirt please wear it to the game. If you don’t have an Addie’s Army shirt, please wear blue, purple or yellow. Let’s show Addie that her fight is our fight.