April 23, 2024
Pasta Bar Whole Grain Noodle and Garlic Stick
Spicy Chicken Tenders Served With A Whole Grain Bread Stick
Green Bean, Mixed Green Salad
The Mobile dental clinic is coming to UTHS on Wednesday, May 15! Participants receive a dental examination, a cleaning, a fluoride treatment and sealant placement, if necessary, all free! Please see the school nurse for permission slips. Permission slips need to be turned in by May 7! Don’t be left out!
SENIORS: SAVE THE DATE! UTHS Project Graduation 2024 will be held Saturday, June 1st from 10:00 PM to 2:30AM at the Moline YMCA. Casino games, 9 square-basketball, laser tag, airbrush tattoos, pickle ball, caricatures and prizes! Food-snacks-drinks will be provided. Hope to see you there!
"The student matinee of this year's musical, Beauty and the Beast, is this Thursday during 7th and 8th periods. This is not something you will want to miss! Students who have purchased tickets will be dismissed after 6th period to go to the auditorium. Tickets can be purchased before school or during lunch for $7. We will sell tickets through Thursday morning, so buy them now!"
Attention students and staff, there is still time to sign up for the Panther Pant! There are both one-mile and three-mile races. You can sign up with the QR code posted in the hallways or on the student council's Instagram. We hope to see you there!
Good morning- Prom is just around the corner. If you are interested in being on Prom court, please sign up in Ellen's shop this week Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, during the lunch hours. No names will be allowed after 3:00 Wednesday. If you have questions, please see Mrs. Gorgal, Mrs. Green or Ellen.
"Students planning on attending Black Hawk College and have not filled out the admissions application please listen up. April 22 - 30 is the Free Application Week. That is right - FREE! Apply using the code: FREEAPP24. See your Guidance Counselor or Mr. Davis with questions."
"Girls Basketball open gym this week will be Thursday at 6:00-7:30pm in Gym A. If you have any questions, please see Coach Pavelonis"
There is a meeting for everyone interested in boys’ basketball in the commons this Wednesday after school in the commons. Please see Coach Saey if you have any questions.