September 3, 2024
Homecoming is around the corner. Students that plan on bringing a guest or date to the 2024 Homecoming dance from another school must fill out a dance request form. The forms are located in Students Services and must be turned in no later than Tuesday, October 1st.
"Black Hawk College is hosting its 52nd Annual College Night on Thursday, October 3 from 5:30 - 7:30 at its Moline campus. Students and their families are invited. Please see fliers located in Guidance, the cafeteria, on hallway TV monitors, and throughout UTHS. Contact Mr. Davis, College & Career Advisor with questions."Attention: UTHS Seniors interested in attending Western Illinois University after graduation. UTHS, in collaboration with WIU - QC Campus, is sponsoring a Field Trip to the WIU - QC campus on Friday, October 18. Bus transportation will be provided. Students will participate in a morning program that will include a tour of the QC campus, meet with admissions, financial aid, and student services representatives. The Field Trip will begin at 9:00 a.m. and end at 12:00 p.m., and include lunch. Students will return to UTHS thereafter. Interested students should sign up in the Guidance Office. The cut-off date for sign-up is the end of school day, Friday, October 4, 2024.If you have questions, see Mr. Davis, the College & Career Advisor. Mr.Davis’s office is located in the UT Center area, just north of the school library.
UT Seniors looking for employment after high school. UTHS, in collaboration with the QC Metropolitan International Airport, is offering a Field Trip to the QC Airport on Wednesday, October 16. Bus transportation will be provided. To attend this field trip, you must be a UTHS student that participates in one of the following ACC program areas: Auto Mechanics, Building Trades, Fire Science, Law & Public Safety, Manufacturing Technology, and Welding. Students will tour the airport and be introduced to available career opportunities. The Field Trip will begin at 9:00 a.m. and end at 2:00 p.m., and include lunch. Please inform Mr. Davis of any dietary needs. A bus will leave UTHS at 8:30 and return to the school around 2:30.
"Students, the US Navy will be visiting UTHS today. The Naval representative will be located in the cafeteria through all lunch periods. If you are interested in finding out more about the US Navy, its duty stations, educational scholarships to include the GI Bill, and numerous career opportunities, please stop by the table and visit with the representative."
COLLEGE VISISTS; you must sign up in the Guidance Office
Western Illinois University Sep 9
Bradley University Sep 9
St. Francis Medical Center Nursing College Sep 10
University of Illinois – Springfield Sep 10
Black Hawk College Sep 11
University of Wisconsin – Platteville Sep 12
Monmouth College Sep 12