Announcements September 17, 2024


Pasta Bar Served With Mozzarella Sticks

Chicken Nuggets With Mozzarella Sticks

Mixed Green Salad




Attention Seniors-Please check the Homecoming Court Nominees at the Student Store Monday or Tuesday. If you notice any errors, please communicate them to Ellen.Final Court Ballot will be posted on September 18th.


UT’s LGBT+ club is having a meeting this week in Miss Williams room 125E, after school, on Wednesday September 18th. The club will be planning their first event Ally Week, afterwards activities and snacks will be available. Even if you are not signed up for the club yet, come check it out and have a good time!

"Gamer's Club will meet this Friday from 3 to 5 in room 149N."


"Students, the following colleges & universities will be at UT today. Southern Illinois University (SIU) - Edwardsville (10:45 a.m.) & Tippie College of Business at the University of Iowa (1:17 p.m.) Tippie will meet with students wanting to pursue a Business major only! Students, these are two fine institutions of higher education, SIU & Tippie College of Business. So, if you want to visit these schools and learn more about them and whether they may be a good fit for you, please sign up in the Guidance Office."

"Students, the following colleges & universities will be at UT this week.

Augustana College - Wednesday

Kirkwood College - Wednesday

Loyola University - Chicago - Thursday

If you want to visit any of these schools and learn more about them or whether they may be a good fit for you, please sign up in the Guidance Office."


If you missed the meeting for the Girls Bowling team, please stop in the General office to pick up informational sheets or email Coach Krack at