February 4, 2025
Mandarin Orange Chicken
Fried Rice
Vegetable Egg Roll
Mike’s Cheese Bites
Mixed Green Salad
Steamed Broccoli
Baby Whole Carrot
"Students, you are NOT to open any door for any person trying to get into the building at any time. This poses a serious safety and security risk. If you are caught doing this, you will face severe school consequences."
Black History Month is just around the corner. Attention students every Wednesday during the month of February, there will be a place by the cafeteria with a special backdrop for you to take pictures. If you have any questions, see our IJAG teacher Mrs. Hayes.
Beginning February 10th through February 14th, IJAG will be selling Black History bracelets and heart to heart sucker grams for $1.00 each. They are being sold in the cafeteria during all lunch times. Send your friends or teachers a message!
"It's almost time! The informational meeting for this year's musical, Anything Goes, will be TODAY Tuesday at 3:15 in the auditorium. At the meeting we will talk about auditions, all crew positions (including backstage, set design, lights and sound, props, and hair/makeup), and other relevant info. This is not something to miss! Plan to attend and be a part of this awesome production! See Mr. Greer in 224E with any questions."
"The speech team had a fantastic ending to the regular season at Jefferson HS this past Saturday. We placed fourth overall, and everyone broke finals! We also had a few top three-varsity competitors: Abrar Sherif placed third in Special Occasion Speaking. Connor Maess placed second in both Extemporaneous Speaking and Radio Speaking. Vanessa Williams placed first in Prose Reading and Vivian Bornhoeft placed first in Impromptu Speaking. We are so proud! Wish the team luck as they head to the IHSA Regional tournament this Saturday at Monmouth-Roseville."
"Gamer's Club will meet this Friday from 3 to 5 in room 149N."
In February, relationships are celebrated worldwide, but did you know the most important relationship you will ever have is with yourself? Think about it…you are always with you. In this month’s edition of Toilet Times, the H.O.P.E. Club will be covering Self-Love and Self Care in more detail. For this week, here is a snippet to think about. An article published in Psychology Today reported “roughly 85% of people worldwide have low self-esteem." Low self-esteem has been linked to violent behavior, school dropout rates, low academic achievement, and more. Social media is one factor in our lives that affects our self-esteem either positively or negatively. While it helps us make connections and inspires us, it can encourage unhealthy comparisons that lower our self-esteem. Be sure to turn your attention to the TV monitors for the Mindful Monday Highlight for recommendations from club members and experts on how to use social media to boost your self-esteem!
"There will be an informational meeting for the upcoming Girls Soccer Season today Tuesday, February 4th at 3:15pm in the Commons. It will last about half an hour. Any girls intending to try out should attend the meeting."
"There will be an informational meeting, for all girls interested in playing Volleyball, Thursday at 3:05 in Gym A"