
February 5, 2025


Meatloaf Served With A Whole Grain Dinner Roll

Chicken Nuggets Served With A Whole Grain Dinner Roll

Mashed Potato & Gravy


Mixed Green Salad

Assorted Fresh Fruit

"Auditions for the spring musical Anything Goes are next week! Learn more information by scanning the QR code hanging around the school or visit Mr. Greer in 224E. Audition applications are due by Monday at 12:30 and crew applications are due by Tuesday at 12:30. Hesitant about being onstage for the first time? We have non-singing roles! This musical truly has something for everyone. Come join the Panther Players and have an amazing time!"

Black History Month is here. Attention students every Wednesday during the month of February, there will be a place by the cafeteria with a special backdrop for you to take pictures. They start today. If you have any questions, see our IJAG teacher Mrs. Hayes.


"Gamer's Club will meet this Friday from 3 to 5 in room 149N."


"There will be an informational meeting, for all girls interested in playing Volleyball, Thursday at 3:05 in Gym A"